After 14 seasons, the Wendy Williams Show is officially coming to an end, with a new show Sherri filling the...
wendy williams show
Wendy Williams is pleased with the choice to have Sherri Shepherd as a permanent guest host on her show. According...
Sherri Shepherd has been tapped to become the permanent guest host on the Wendy Williams Show, according to reports. The...
Wendy Williams will be back in her purple chair soon! The talk show host made an announcement in her latest...
Wendy Williams has issued an apology after the controversial comments she made about gay men on her talk show. Williams...
Wendy Williams is seriously involved with a new man and she just couldn't stop talking about him on her Friday...
Nicole Murphy -- ex-wife of actor Eddie Murphy -- sat on Wendy Williams' purple couch Tuesday morning and addressed the...
After speculations and rumors of the Wendy Williams Show not being picked up again, Wendy Williams is now able to...
Wendy Williams is living her life! It's reported that the daytime talk show host has finally had enough and filed...