January 26, 2025

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Nine Year Old Madison Whitsett Commits Suicide, And Family Wants To Know If The Cause Was Side Effects From New Medication.


One family in Alabama is dealing with an incredible loss. Nine year old Madison Whitsett decidedto take her own life after being bullied by other kids. Madison’s Mom isn’t too sure about the cause of the suicide though. She suspects that perhaps the side effects of a newly prescribed adhd medication caused her baby to make the fatal decision.



“A heartbroken Alabama family who tragically lost a 9-year-old girl to suicide believe the child was bullied for struggling with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Madison “Maddie” Whitsett took her own life on Friday after reportedly having “a bad day,” the girl’s mother and stepfather told Al.com

Her mother, Eugenia Williams, and the girl’s stepfather, Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service Lt. Jimmie Williams, said Madison was “energetic, funny, and loved dance.” However, her struggle with ADHD resulted in other kids bullying her, calling her “stupid” and “dumb,” according to Al.com.

After several incidents of bullying occurred, Madison’s parents met with the principal and believed the situation had been handles.

“I felt like we took care of it,’’ Jimmie said. However, when it comes to Madison, what she projected did not always match what she was feeling emotionally. On the day she took her own life, Madison’s mother surprised her with a spontaneous trip to Chick-fil-A, one of her favorite restaurants. Although Williams saw her daughter jumping with excited to go to the restaurant, the 9-year-old was still suffering.

Williams later found out from one of the girl’s friends that the fourth grader had endured bullying that day and appeared sad. “It must have really worn her out that day,” her stepfather told Al.com. Madison had also recently been put on a medication that counted suicidal thoughts as one of its side effects.

“The bullying plus the medicine, I think, gave her the boost to do that,” Jimmie added.

Although the parents won’t identify which school Madison attended because they don’t blame the school, Birmingham City Schools, did released a statement on Tuesday addressing the devastating event:

“Our school community is deeply saddened by the recent passing of a student. Counselors and district-level support staff, trained to help students, parents and school

personnel at difficult times such as this, have been on-site at the impacted school today to provide assistance to students and staff in needed of support in processing this tragedy. The death of any young person is a tragic loss that impacts the whole school community, and we send our deepest condolences to the family.””

Maddie-Whittsett (1)

It’s amazing how lil Madison was able to fake the funk until the very last minute of her suicide. Obviously she wanted her parents NOT to worry about her.

What do y’all think? Are Madison’s parents directing their frustration in the wrong direction? Is the company who manufactured the meds responsible, or is the school?

Rest in peace lil angel.

2 thoughts on “Nine Year Old Madison Whitsett Commits Suicide, And Family Wants To Know If The Cause Was Side Effects From New Medication.

  1. Aah, she’s so young! 😢💔 Children really do go through a lot in schools and bullying is a major problem. I always wondered how these ADHD medications would affect our children in the long run. I believe the parents have a fighting chance but I don’t think that should be the only factor they should focus on. Something has to be done in school and at these bullies’ homes.

  2. This is a very sad situation!! I can’t imagine a child that young having any kind of problem to want to take their life. This bullying has been a big problem in the past & still is. The only thing to stop it is that the children tell it & the school & authorities take action. Real Action!!!!

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