Houston Dad Admits He “Lost His Temper,” Fatally Beats 2-Year Old Son During Potty Training

A Houston dad has admitted to losing his temper while potty training his 2-year old son, who is now dead.

Antonio Devonte Hicks, Sr. took his unresponsive son Antonio Hicks, Jr. to the Houston Northwest Emergency Room for medical treatment on Saturday afternoon, according to Harris County Sheriff’s Office.


“Emergency Room staff immediately observed multiple injuries, both recent and healing, not consistent with the father’s story about how his son was injured,” the sheriff’s department said in a statement.

Homicide investigators interviewed Hicks and the mother of the child Ariauna Washington, and they both admitted that Hicks lost his temper during potty training.

Hicks was arrested and charged with causing the child serious bodily injury.

“(The) charges are expected to be upgraded pending autopsy results,” the sheriff’s department said.

Relatives and neighbors created memorial filled with balloons, candles, and a large stuffed toy from his favorite show Paw Patrol outside his residence.

Everyone knows that a manual doesn’t come with a child, but raising a child should NEVER come to harming or causing his/her death.

If you or anyone you know need assistance with parenting, please get local help or call the National Parent Hotline at 1-855-427-2736.

Rest in peace, little Antonio.