September 20, 2024

Y'all Know What

Celebrity Scoop and Trending News

It’s Your Season News: Pastor Deitrick Haddon Gives Back by Blessing Faithful Member with a Car!

1 min read

Pastor Deitrick Haddon’s Hill City Church has a new location and a booming membership. The growing attendance may be because the man of God can PREACH, and it also may be because Pastor Haddon shows his appreciation to the people who have been dedicated to him since he’s opened up the doors of Hill City.

Yesterday during morning service, Pastor Haddon presented one of his faithful members with a gift. This wasn’t just any ordinary gift though, this was BIG. Grab your hankies, and watch Pastor Haddon bless this young man’s life real good.

This brother walked out of church with a brand new car! Can y’all believe that?? Were you guys choked up like we were? This was a huge example of not forgetting who helped you along the way. Kudos to you Pastor Haddon for showing yourself as a strong leader and a great example of a child of God, and congratulations to the young man who received this car. Let this be a reminder that God always blesses his faithful followers.

If you all would like to go worship with Pastor Haddon, the young man with the new car, and other Hill City members, services are every Sunday at 11:30 am. That’s Hill City Church, Phoenix Hall WLCAC Complex, 10950 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles California 90059.

Now, you all are officially in the know!

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