How Much More Does This Man Needs? Singer Mary J. Blige Says Estranged Hubby Won’t Return Luxury Cars And Grammy.

Its fair to say that the Queen Of Hip Hop Mary J. Blige wasn’t the only diva in her marriage to Kendu “Martin” Issacs, because this man is showing his true colors for all the world to see.
Blige has been extremely vocal about her unhappiness in paying her ex any kind of spousal support. The “What’s The 411” singer says she was a successful singer before she married him, and her income had nothing to do with Isaacs.
Now we are learning that court documents show that the “cry baby” has some of Mary’s personal items and will NOT let them go. We aren’t talking lil minor things like jewelry and pieces of furniture either.
“Mary J. Blige‘s nasty divorce just got uglier because she says her estranged husband’s got a tight grip on her prized possessions — including a Grammy.
Mary filed new docs, calling out Martin Isaacs for refusing to return a Grammy, other “achievement awards” (she’s not specific) and a few luxury whips leased under her company’s name.
According to the docs, Martin has 3 cars, including a Range Rover he was supposed to return in February. There are also 2 Mercedes: a C300 and an SL550. Mary wants the C class back, but says he can keep the SL … which sounds like a good deal for him.
And there’s this final blow — Mary claims Martin, who was also her manager, fleeced her out of $420k in supposed business expenses that had squat to do with her biz.”
Ok Mary.Here’s some tough love headed your way.
Its so obvious that you were the bread winner in this marriage and you provided greatly for your hubby. Perhaps this is the problem. Mary J. Blige…you spoiled this dude as if he was an adopted child. It shouldn’t be a surprise that “Martin” is holding on to any and every thing that has something to do with you. Some of this could have been easily avoided if you would have been a bit smarter in your finances concerning your philandering husband. Come on now….$420,000??
What do y’all think?