Detroit Police Commissioner Willie Burton Arrested After “Speaking His Mind” At A Board Meeting
Things got pretty heated at the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners meeting Thursday night.
Protesters were in attendance wearing masks to hide their identity in protest of the use of facial recognition technology in the city, and Police Commissioner Willie Burton was arrested after being warned to stop interrupting the proceedings.
The board discussed a policy governing the use of facial recognition software, which officials say restricts using the technology to after-the-fact investigations of violent crimes, or when there’s a credible threat of terrorism.
Shortly after Thursday’s meeting started, Lisa Carter was sworn in as the board’s chairwoman and Commissioner Willie Burton asked what she would do differently than the past chairman. Carter told Burton multiple times he was “out of order,” and officers surrounded Burton and handcuffed him.
He had even more to say after he was removed from the meeting.
Commissioner Burton was arrested for disorderly conduct. Shortly after, he posted bail and was released.
He says his arrest was a “disservice” to the public.