Shamayah Revis

An 18-Year Old Falls To Her Death On Her Birthday As Skydiving Parachute Fails To Open

Vanessa Ivonne Meléndez Cárdenas went skydiving on her birthday at Lake Tequesquitengo in Mexico and it turned into a tragedy. Cárdenas, along with her skydiving instructor, Mauricio Gutiérrez Castillo were both killed from allegedly having issues opening their parachute, which caused them to plummet into the earth at forceful speeds. A video that was recorded from individuals watching…

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UPDATE- Teen Who Shoved Her Friend Off The Washington Bridge Has Been Sentenced To 2 Days In Jail

Y’all remember the video that circulated the web showing a teen, Tay’Lor Smith, pushing her friend, Jordan Holgerson on August 2018 off the Washington Bridge? The choice she made to push her friend has clearly affected her life drastically. Well, the now 19-year old has been sentenced. She pleaded guilty in hopes of a lighter…

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Dr. Dre’s Large Donation To USC Resurfaces After Recent Post Of Daughter’s Acceptance To The University.

Legendary hip hop producer Dr. Dre receives backlash after he announced on Instagram that his daughter was accepted to USC years after donating a large portion of money to the school. Over the last couple of weeks, news broke that many well-known (and very wealthy) parents allegedly payed for their children to be accepted at…

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