Kim Kardashian West Defends Her Dream Of Becoming A Lawyer

Last week, the reality star revealed to Vogue magazine that her zeal for prison reform spurred her to pursue a law degree, which she can achieve in California without having to go to law school.
California is one of four states that doesn’t require a law degree to take the bar exam, allowing aspiring lawyers the opportunity to complete apprenticeships with practicing attorneys before taking the test.
Kardashian West plans to take the California bar exam in 2022 after a four-year apprenticeship program under the guidance of Jackson and Haney.
Though she never earned a college degree, she has enough undergraduate credits to study law in California.
Still, in Monday’s Instagram post, Kardashian West — who’s the daughter of the late high-powered attorney Robert Kardashian — said her path is by no means an “easy” one.”
Well Kim said what she said and she is determined to go through this regardless of the negative comments that come her way. The backlash were mainly from individuals explaining that she will get an easy pass through law school because of her status, but Kim says it will definitely not be easy and she will have to go through the same route as other lawyers.
How are y’all feeling about this? Do you think it is not fair for her to go through law school because she is a public figure or do you think it is fair and she should just continue to follow her dreams? We are sending the best wishes to Kim during her law school journey. And now you’re officially in the KNOW!