Kim Burrell Throws Shade At Fantasia In Front of A Church Congregation

Our unfiltered sister is at it again. Gospel singer Pastor Kim Burrell was quite vocal at her church service when she talked about the potential casting of the Aretha Franklin biopic. But she didn’t stop there, she went on to critique singer Fantasia and said that she should never be asked to play the role. Here’s the video:
Maybe Kim could have voiced her opinion about the casting of the film a little differently. Fantasia is a fantastic singer with a unique sound. Maybe this is something the pastor could have said instead of speaking negatively about our sister.
FYI, Jennifer Hudson is already set to play the Queen of Soul in the biopic, so this shade was really unnecessary.
Meanwhile, Fantasia doesn’t seem bothered at all. She’s currently directing a new project and Kim has now set her Instagram page to private.
What do y’all think? Was Kim wrong for what she said or did she have a point? Visit our comments section and sound off.
GOD don’t like UGLY, and if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. I’m sure you’ve heard this before
Your so right y must we continue to put each other down.mrs kim you know better.but GOD will handle you.peace be still.
Kim it looks like you’ve been outnumbered!! I love Fantasia with her singing behind self! 👍🏾
Mrs kim you r so wrong for that statement .y must we continue to put each other down.GOD will handle you .peace be still.fantasia you are a wounderful singer.sorry for mrs kim words.
God don’t like ugly, why can’t black people’s get along
Leandria Johnson is a great singer-but she needs to get her own life together before she portrays someone else’s! And Kim Burrell should keep her opinion to herself! Did you not see Leandria on “Iyanla’s Fix My Life?” Help her with those issues. And if you have-then ger time will come. Opportunities will come her way!
Kim you should have said nothing at all keep your opinions to self ,ppl look up to you. They made a good choice with Jennifer because of her tone to be honest none of them looks like The Queen.
Kim is not all of that at all. I’m sure Fantasia LAUGHED AT PASSA Kim looking like the e il Witch from The Wiz😀😂😂😂
Kim knows she is wrong for that. They all have their own style of ministry. Fantasia aint no joke. LeAndria is a phenomenal singer as well with so many issues of her own, no time for her to portray anyone else. Kim this is their time, you have had yours and are still a great singer, no need to take pot shots at no one else!!! God’s not pleased with that!!!