Throw The Whole Show Away! ABC’s No. 1 Money Maker Roseanne Is Cancelled After Star Posts Racist Tweets.

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who knows anything about Roseanne. Ms. Roseanne Barr has a questionable past when it comes to racist antics and opinions. This didn’t stop ABC from giving her a new show rebooting her old sitcom Roseanne. And now after millions and millions of viewers tuning in every week, the show has been cancelled just. like. that.
Ms. Barr decided to post a racist tweet about former President Obama’s aide Valerie Jarrett (still don’t know why), calling her a product of the “muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes). ABC was having none of that….ESPECIALLY Disney and our sister in charge of ABC Entertainment, Channing Dungey. Here’s part of Dungey’s statement on the matter.
“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.”
Hahahahahaha!!! You go girl.
However, we must acknowledge that Channing wasn’t the first person to distance herself from the show. Right after the tweet was made public, consulting producer Wanda Sykes said that she will no longer be apart of the project.
I suppose we should take the time and post the apology Roseanne tweeted right before the show was cancelled.
What do you guys think was going through Roseanne’s head when she sent out that tweet? Surely she should have known that there would be backlash. Disney OWNS ABC, not to mention her boss is a sista.
Now (because of her racist opinions), the entire cast of the show is out of work and no longer have a secured bag. People should learn to think before writing anything on social media. It stays online and inside the reader’s head forever.
What do you guys think? Is there another network out there that may possibly pick up The Roseanne Show? She DID have some high ratings.
By the way, we’re still waiting on a statement from Pres. Donnie. Y’all know Roseanne was his favorite show. It’ll be interesting to see whether he acknowledges his bestie’s racist comment. Time will tell.
Kudos to ABC, Disney, and our girl Channing Dungey!
And now…you guys are officially in the know.