The Real Host Tamera Housley And Husband Adam’s Niece Among The Dead In Thousand Oaks Last Night.

Aren’t you guys sick and tired of waking up to the same news about shooting? We are praying fiercely for all of the families who were effected by the Thousand Oaks massacre at the Borderline Bar And Grill. Another psycho rushed into a public place and killed a significant number amount of people. A beloved Sheriff Sergeant was the first to be murdered by 28 year old Ian David Long. After all was said and done, 12 people’s lives (not including the killer) ended last night in Thousand Oaks, California. One of the victims was Alaina Housley, the niece of The Real talk show host Tamera Housley’s husband Adam.

alaina hou

THOUSAND OAKS (CBSLA) — Actress Tamera Mowry’s niece is one of the young women still missing in the wake of a deadly shooting at a Thousand Oaks bar.

Alaina Housley’s roommate, Ashley, posted images of her on Twitter, saying she’s still missing after the shooting at Borderline Bar & Grill that killed 12 people, including a Ventura County sheriff’s sergeant.

The tweet drew a plea from the actress, who asked Ashley to send her a direct message her. In a heart-rending exchange Ashley said she has already been in contact with Elena’s uncle, former Fox News correspondent Adam Housley, but that there is no news yet about her whereabouts.

Ashley said that all the other girls she and Alaina were with were accounted for.

Alaina’s Apple Watch pinged from inside the club, and her aunt says they have not heard from her for seven hours. In an awful twist, Adam Housley was one of the reporters on the ground who covered the 2015 San Bernardino shooting, according to CBS 2 anchor Peter Daut.”



This is the last tweet Adam Housley has sent.

“Staying positive and praying and hoping and wishing there was more I could do”

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Unfortunately Alaina has now been identified as one of the victims in the Thousand Oaks shooting. The Pepperdine University freshman was only 18 years old.

Everyone please pray for the survivors, the family members of the deceased, and everyone else who was involved in this senseless act.



2 thoughts on “The Real Host Tamera Housley And Husband Adam’s Niece Among The Dead In Thousand Oaks Last Night.

  1. My Heart Really Goes out to everyone!! To The Deceased, R.I.P.! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  2. This is becoming too common. We must do something to prevent these senseless acts! My heart is so heavy for the families of the victims. RIP to all of the beautiful souls. 🙏

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