Run That Check…..Singer Angie Stone Says 24K Magic Bruno Mars Owes Her Some Coins For Uptown Funk.

Did y’all catch singer Angie Stone on Sister Circle Live? According to the Brotha artist, Bruno Mars owes her a few bucks. Back in the 1979, Angie wrote a song called Funk You Up which she performed with a female group called The Sequence.

Stone has been pretty vocal about Mars and producer Mark Ronson taking some pieces of her song to make their smash hit Uptown Funk. In so many words, home girl wants her money that’s due.

Check out The SCL interview below.

Mmmmkay. We have a lil homework assignment for you guys. We’ll post The Sequence classic Funk You Up first. Afterwards, will be Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk.

So what do you guys think? Does Angie have a case?

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