Philadelphia Cook Claps Back After Receiving Backlash For Sugar-Loaded Yams

For the past few days, Philadelphia cook Saudia Shuler has received a flood of backlash for the amount of sugar she uses to make yams.

The Country Cookin restaurant owner posted a video on Thursday, showing off her method of how she makes the popular dish but many folks thought she overdid it with the sugar.

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Saudia addressed the critics:



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She also went on to say:


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Goodmorning. A lot of y’all don’t know this, but i sit back and create my own buzz when i need to. Ima tell y’all a little secret. Shit was a little slow for me. It’s back poppin now. I’m a marketing fuckin genius. I saw a lot of chefs ‍ ‍ talking shit about me. It was sad. I’d rather big a person up and help them then to tear them down. I promote people for free. Y’all haters is definitely my marketing team Zummies i thank my real supporters and fans for always having my back. I love y’all. Now let me go make this Shmoneyyyyyyyyyyy 15,000 new followers, over a 1,000,000 million new people found out about me from the @theshaderoom again for the 9th time, people lie, but numbers don’t. Let’s get this fuckin Shmoneyyyyyy. Periodt Pooh oh y’all plan to destroy me turned into more blessings ‍♀️ god is good.

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Well, any publicity is good publicity.

We must say, those yams look mighty delicious, but do y’all think she overdid it with the sugar? Leave us your thoughts below.

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