A Florida delivery man is responsible for the death of an elderly woman in Boca Rotan, Florida. The 21 year old...
Larry King is once again in the process of getting a divorced from his 7th wife, Shawn Southwick King. According...
A former Ohio trial court judge and politician pleaded guilty Tuesday to murder in the 2018 death of his ex-wife....
"When it first happened, I was very upset because I didn't find out until after he got off the bus...
It worked! The actress who paid for two billboards in Atlanta to get Tyler Perry's attention just landed a role...
Jay-Z may think folks are ready to move on from Colin Kaepernick's kneeling protest -- but Kap made it clear...
Former NFL running back, Cedric Benson, was killed in a motorcycle crash in Austin, Texas late Saturday night. He was...
A Dallas rapper, Tyrese Simmons, who was accused of killing a 9 year old girl, turns himself in. The angry...
Tragedy has struck in the Fox news family after one of their local news anchors, Nancy Parker, was involved in...
The body of a 19-year-old woman who was missing for seven days was found Tuesday night in a wooded area...