Oops. Singer Stacy Lattisaw’s Family Resents Johnny Gill Talking About Them On The New Edition Movie Discussing Their (Alleged) Distaste For Darkies.

Oh boy. We knew this would come back to bite Johnny Gill in the face. The New Edition movie revealed a number of truths according to the fellas who lived it. One of the scenes involved Johnny Gill and Ralph Tresvant chatting about Johnny’s relationship with ex girlfriend and singing partner Stacy Lattisaw. Gill mentions (very briefly) that Stacy’s family pressured her to break up with him because of his skin tone. Well, Stacy’s brother Jerry just aint buying it. He released a statement about his sister’s former flame’s accusation.
“My mom don’t care about what color Johnny Gill is!!! If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t be in New Edition period!!! She basically got him his first record deal …. by the way, Stacy husband is brownskin too!!! How they gon’ put my motha out there like that! JG u still my brother tho!”
Well! What do y’all think? Did skin color play a part in the demise of Johnny and Stacy’s relationship? Let us know what you think. While you sip on this bit of tea, let’s go back in time and watch these two in action. Here’s Stacy and Johnny singing their number one smash “Perfect Combination.”
He is so full of it!