Michael Jackson’s Estate Looking To Sell 50% of His Music Catalog For Up To $900 Million

The estate of Michael Jackson is looking to sell the legendary singer’s music catalog. The deal is reportedly in the range of $800 million to $900 million, according to a report from Variety.

Sources report that the deal with Sony along with a financial partner is negotiating to obtain at least half of the estate’s catalog. Other assets that may be included in the deal include Jackson’s publishing, recorded-music revenues, the “MJ: The Musical” Broadway show, and the upcoming biopic “Michael.”

If this deal is completed, it would be the biggest deal to date in the music catalog market.

Sources close to Variety stated that Primary Wave Music already owns a stake in the late singer’s estate. No details have been disclosed in regard to this deal.

Jackson’s profitable catalog will include his 1982 “Thriller” album, which is one of the two biggest sellers of all time. This album alone was platinum certified 30 times! For both the career of the Jackson 5 and Michael’s solo career, Sony and its predecessor CBS was the only home for his music.

Variety reported that his estate has been handled by co-executors John Branca, his longtime attorney, and co-executor John McClain.

As previously reported by YKW, many artists have recently sold their music catalogs. Artists such as Justin Timberlake, Niel Young, and Justin Bieber have sold their catalogs for various amounts. Billboard Editorial Director, Hannah Karp, stated “Many artists at the end of 2021 had rushed to sell their rights before the Biden Administration allowed capital gains taxes to increase”. “Others, particularly artists nearing the end of their careers, opted to sell their rights for estate planning purposes”, Karp said.

We will keep you all updated as more information is released regarding Michael’s Estate.

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