Man Who Claimed George Floyd And Derek Chavin “Bumped Heads” At Work Changes Story

A man who also did part-time security work at the club alongside George Floyd and Derek Chauvin said in a previous interview with CBS News, the two men “bumped heads,” but now the co-worker is changing his story.
Former club security officer David Pinney is now saying he had mistaken Floyd for another unnamed African-American employee.
In an interview with CBS which partly aired Tuesday, Pinney went into great details regarding the tense relationship between Floyd and Chauvin, saying the two knew each other “pretty well.”
But on Wednesday, Pinney sent the news outlet an email stating that he confused Floyd with someone else. He wrote: “There has been a mix up between George and another fellow co-worker,” he wrote.
He added, “I apologize for not doing my due diligence and placing you in a very uncomfortable situation,”
Pinney had also described Chauvin as “extremely aggressive within the club,” a characterization he stands by.
According to CBS News, on June 6, Pinney described several interactions he recalled between Floyd and Chauvin in a 50-minute-long videotaped interview.
via CBS News:
“Is there any doubt in your mind that Derek Chauvin knew George Floyd?” CBS News asked Pinney. “No. He knew him,” Pinney said.
“How well did he know him?” CBS News asked. “I would say pretty well,” Pinney replied.
“I knew George on a work basis,” he said. “We were pretty close. When it came to our security positions, he was in charge and I worked directly below him as a security adviser.”
Pinney said he worked with Floyd for about five or six months in late 2015 and early 2016.
Pinney originally shared that he and George has a great working relationship and they were pretty close.
“It’s a difference when you work side by side with somebody. Like, I see him like a brother….”
Pinney also shared that Floyd didn’t want to interact with Chauvin because of Chauvin’s aggressive behavior.
Pinney also said: “I can relate to George, how he felt. And I think that’s what makes that personal bond between him and I, dealing with Derek.”
Don’t understand how a person could confuse a man that’s “like a brother” with someone else.
Chauvin has been charged with second-degree murder, but the family is seeking for first degree because they believe it was personal.