March 3, 2025

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Leaked Chicago PD Video Shows Mother Being Fatally Shot While Holding Her 1-Year Old Daughter

Brittany Hill was murdered on Tuesday while holding her 1-year old daughter and the entire tragedy was caught on surveillance camera.

The shooting is being investigated as a possible gang-related target attack against the people speaking with 24-year old Hill. Reports say that she was visiting the home of her daughter’s father.

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According to prosecutors, the baby waved at the two suspects in the car before they begin shooting.

Police said the first shot struck Hill in the torso and then she ran to hide behind a parked car to protect her child.

The video then shows two men picking up Hill’s lifeless body from the ground and into their car. The baby was left with an older man.

Hill was pronounced dead at the hospital.

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The video was in possession of the Chicago Police Department but was leaked on social media.

WARNING: Graphic video. Due to the sensitivity of the footage, we’re only showing the first 21 seconds.

The Chicago Police Department is investigating how the video ended up on social media.

“We have notified the state’s attorney’s office and opened an investigation to determine who electronically accessed the video and whether anything was released or compromised,” a department spokesperson stated.

A Chicago police officer attends a news conference announcing the department's plan to hire nearly 1,000 new police officers in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., September 21, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Young

“This is a major misstep by somebody in law enforcement,” he said. “It has to come from the Chicago Police Department or someone at the states’s attorney’s office. They’re the only ones who’d have access at this limited period of time.”

Police have now charged 39-year-old Michael Washington and 23-year-old Eric Adams in connection with Hill’s death. They both appeared in court on Thursday and were denied bond.

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Miller says, in addition to the possible fallout for the murder case, it is possible that the person responsible for leaking the video could face felony charges of official misconduct.

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Hill’s family said they are aware of the video’s release but wouldn’t comment further. We send our condolences to the family and pray for this precious baby girl. #JusticeForBrittanyHill

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