Judge Mathis Accused of Spitting In Valet’s Face, He Says It Never Happened
However, the honorable judge said it did not go down that way and saliva never left his mouth.
TMZ originally reported:
Sources connected to the valet tell TMZ … the TV judge valet parked his Rolls Friday at Flood’s Bar and Grille in Detroit, but when he left the joint … things got hot quickly.
We’re told a valet had Mathis’ keys in his pocket and was out on a run to retrieve another car, and was gone 10-15 minutes. Our sources say when his client finally returned, JM chewed the guy out in a profanity-laced schooling … in front of coworkers and customers.
Mathis allegedly became even angrier when the valet explained he had to travel a long way to get the other car and apologized for accidentally taking his keys.
The parting shot … the valet told cops Mathis spit on him and then beat it.
The valet filed a police report alleging criminal assault. The cops are investigating.
We’re told there were multiple witnesses to the incident.
Judge Mathis went on TMZ Live to set the record straight and defend himself from this claim.
Wow, 40 minutes to wait on your car? Surely that would make anyone upset.
This investigation is still ongoing, so we’ll keep y’all informed with any updates.
Good luck, Judge!