Guess Who’s My Famous And FINE Daddy!

Check out this cutie pa-tootie in this shot. Baby Olivia (aka Logan) entered this world on July 2nd and became an instant bright light in her famous Daddy’s life. Lil Logan won’t be the first female to slobber on her father, because millions of viewers drool all over her Dad every week. You see, he happens to be one of the most talented and FINEST television stars out right now. In real life, our sexy prime time actor is starting a role as new husband and parent. Any guesses on who Olivia calls Daddy?

Scroll down for the answer.


Say hello to “If Loving You Is Wrong” star Joel Rush’s most beautiful creation Olivia Rush. Joel, aka mean ‘ol Eddie, and his wife Alexandria welcomed their first child earlier this month. And I have to say….judging by some social media pics….the two parents look like a couple of pros.



Here’s a few more photos I snagged off of the Gram. What do y’all think? Does baby Logan favor her beautiful Mommy or her hottie Papi more?










And now…..y’all are officially in the know!

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