Grammy Award-Winning Singer Sade’s Transgender Daughter Has Here Breast Removed.

We told you guys before that Neo-Soul singer Sade has a transgender daughter who is actually going through a sex change operation. As a part of her transition, Mickailia Adu (aka Izaak) has chosen to have both breasts removed in order to have the complete experience as a male. The 21 year old has had abundant support from her Mother, family, friends, and admirers all around the world.
We aren’t sure whether Izaak’s father, Jamaican producer Bob Morgan, shows the same devotion toward him or not.
It looks like the makeover is going pretty well though. Check out these before and after pics….especially the AFTER pics chile!
This is the way Izaak used to look.
And this is our Sir Izaak now….
Wow. Home boy even has facial hair now.
Well folks. You know what we always say here at Y’all Know What?! Do what makes you happy… long as you’re not hurting anyone else of course. We wish Izaak nothing but the best in his future. Hopefully this transition will give him a peace of mind.
And now, you all are officially in the know.
Wow!!! That was a real transformation . He looks real good.