Generation Yes! A 10 Year Old Texan Invents A Device To Stop Infants Dying In Hot Cars.

There’s no doubt that the youth of today is smarter than what we think. This young man is a perfect example of the unlimited imagination possessed by the next generation. Meet 10 year old Bishop Curry V. Like many of us, Bishop is deeply concerned about the recent deaths of lil babies dying horrendous deaths while trapped in hot cars. The Texas grade schooler decided to do his part  by inventing a piece of equipment that will help put an end to theses senseless casualties.




“Currently in the design stage, Bishop Curry V’s invention — called The Oasis — will prevent the death of infants left in hot cars. At this stage, there’s a clay prototype and Curry has a provisional patent. The invention attaches to an infant’s car seat and detects whether or not a child has been left unattended in a car. If so, it begins blowing cool air on the child to prevent it from becoming overheated while parents and/or authorities rush to remove it from the car. The Oasis also alerts both the police and the parents by text to let them know the baby is in danger.In an interview with his local NBC new affiliate, Curry explained he was inspired to solve the problem when he heard about a trapped infant in a minivan dying in a nearby town. “I knew exactly where the house was,” Curry’s father said. That’s when Curry, the big brother of a one-year old sister told Toyota, the company that employs his father, “I heard about babies dying in car seats and they could have grown up to be somebody important. It makes me pretty upset.”’

In order to move onto the manufacturing stage and get an official patent, the family has begun crowdfunding on GoFundMe. So far, Curry has raised nearly $4,500 of his $20,000 goal. With the help of backers, The Oasis could become a popular tool used by parents to save lives. This makes me feel a little less proud of the Coketail, but it’s really good.”

bishop fam

We are so proud of this lil dude right HERE. This prototype could actually prevent lil babies from dying. Head on over to the GoFundMe page and donate what you can in order to help this vision realized.

And now you’re officially in the know.

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