Entertainment Industry Joins Blackout Tuesday To Show Solidarity And Protest Police Violence

In response to the death of George Floyd, Atlantic Records exec Jamila Thomas and Platoon’s Brianna Agyemang developed #TheShowMustBePaused, an initiative created to protest police violence against the black community.
“Tuesday, June 2nd is meant to intentionally disrupt the work week,” they wrote. “The music industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. An industry that has profited predominatnly from Black art. Our mission is to hold the industry at large, including major corporations + their partners who benefit from the efforts, struggles and successes of Black people accountable. … This is not just a 24-hour initiative. We are and will be in this fight for the long haul. A plan of action will be announced.”
Many music labels are joining the cause too, including: Def Jam Recordings, Island Records. Warner Music Group, Capitol Records, and Sony Music.
Companies in TV and Film has joined forces as well. President of the ViacomCBS Entertainment and Youth Group Chris McCarthy wrote, “We will not hold any meetings nor conduct any business — rather we will stand in solidarity with our African American colleagues and loved ones across the country.”
Here’s a list of suggestions everyone can do doing this downtime.
- If you have been impacted by the recent events, take a break – there is a lot going on and sometimes we all just need a minute.
- Take that minute.
- Help the family of George Floyd HERE.
- Fight for Breonna Taylor HERE.
- Help the family of Ahmaud Arbery HERE.
- Want to help protesters? Donate to one or more community bail funds HERE.
- Visit Movement For Black Lives for additional ways you can help the cause.
- Want to connect with leaders building grass roots campaigns? Click HERE.
- Are you an ally and want to learn more? Here are some anti-racism resources.