Bushwick Bill Sets Tour Organizers Straight And Speaks Life Into His Cancer Diagnosis

As previously reported, Geto Boys group member Bushwich Bill was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and has caught a touch of walking pneumonia, but his temporary illness is not keeping our dude down and he would like everyone else to keep the positive thoughts coming.
Sources close to Bushwick Bill tell TMZ … he was not down with the tour because he felt organizers were piggybacking off his stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Specifically, he thought the title — The Beginning of a Long Goodbye: The Final Farewell — made it seem like he was on his deathbed.
Bill went to Instagram to voice his concern:
Bottom line, he wants everyone to speak life into him. He’s not here for any negative vibes. You can beat this, Bushwick Bill! We’re still praying for you.